Every morning at breakfast I am entertained by birds feeding outside my window. Most go to the feeder strung up high to keep squirrels away (or so I thought). Others, like doves and thrashers, won't fly up to the feeder, so they feed on the seed I toss on the ground for them.
But the other day I witnessed an extraordinary scene.
A brown bird that I had never seen before sat on the ground shivering its feathers and calling open-mouthed like a nestling demanding to be fed. Before long a tiny sparrow, a quarter the size of the brown bird, began to pick seeds off the ground and pop them into the larger bird's gaping mouth. This went on for several minutes until the sparrow finally flew away. Thereupon the larger bird stopped shivering its feathers and began to feed itself from the seed on the ground.
I couldn't help thinking that I had witnessed a perfect metaphor for the way out nanny state operates. Here was a large bird demanding to be fed while it was quite capable of feeding itself. Instead, it accepted food from a hard-working cousin with a sense of compassion and social responsibility.
It has been said that our democracy will founder when more than half our citizens depend on the government for some form of sustenance. Aren't we there already? A shrinking labor base no longer capable of financing Social Security benefits for a growing number of retirees; a Medicare program facing exploding costs that will bankrupt the system before the end of the decade; Medicaid rolls that will increase by 30 million when Obamacare is fully implemented; Food Stamps now handed out to 1 of every 7 people.
Last year President Obama knew he had a looming debt crisis when he appointed a bi-partisan commission, familiarly known as Simpson-Bowles, to look into reforming the system. The commission did a commendable job of recommending, among other things, tax reform and sensible ways to control runaway entitlement costs. So what did the president do with the commission's report? He trashed it.
And the mess got worse. We got the debt ceiling crisis, the S&P downgrade, and the panic on Wall Street, not to mention the housing collapse and persistent unemployment.
What will our anointed leader do for us next? He promises to tell us after Labor Day. Why wait? He could start right now by telling us he plans to stop feeding the birds who are quite capable of feeding themselves.
But don't hold your breath. Those birds are now in the majority. And they vote.