In brief, my host marveled at the
upward mobility of the American worker. How is it possible, he wanted to know,
for Americans to change jobs so often or to move up the ladder to management
and executive positions? By contrast, he explained that in his country such
mobility is practically impossible. His sons, for instance, were sure to follow
him in the publishing business; there was absolutely no question about their
future careers. The same applied at all levels of business and industry, as
career changes and promotion from within were extremely rare. Because there is
little opportunity for advancement, the poor remain poor, the middle class
remains small and stagnant, and the wealthy maintain a privileged and closed
There are parallels in social stagnation
all over the world, not just in Mexico. The shining exception is the United
States, the land of opportunity. No other country (except Canada to some degree)
enjoys the freedom for an individual to develop, to create, to innovate, to
succeed. Most of the workers in low-paying jobs today will advance to
better-paying jobs tomorrow. If they don't, it's not because of the lack of opportunity.
Unfortunately, this seems to be changing.
The shocking increase in families on
Welfare, Disability, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and Unemployment is more than just
the result of a poor economy. To me, we're seeing the permanent effects of a nanny
state that is creating a new form of slavery, the slavery of government
dependency. As I described in a previous letter, there is a growing class of
people in this country who are content to let the government take care of them
rather than seeking to advance through their own personal initiative. They have
abandoned ambition in favor of dependency. If this isn't a new form of slavery,
then what is it?
I submit that we are indeed seeing a
fundamental change in America, one sought and championed by the likes of Barack
Obama. It is the abandonment of a purer liberalism that empathized with the poor,
decried oppression and injustice, and championed equality, in favor of a
corrupt liberalism whose fraudulent compassion values the poor only for their votes.