Saturday, July 16, 2016

Our Next Civil War

            “We are at war.” These words have been heard not only among Trump supporters like Newt Gingrich, but by Brits, Turks, Frenchmen, and many others who are finally realizing that Islamic terrorists are determined to conquer the Middle East and to wipe out non-believers wherever they are.

            Abroad, we have seen Muslim migrants terrorize the populations of Sweden, Denmark, and Germany, only to hear their governments preach against discrimination. But the people are finally starting to come around to the reality that their governments are not acting in their best interests.

            In Great Britain a majority voted to wrest control from a European Union’s global elite. Underlying the vote was a visceral protest against liberal immigration policies that were changing their society’s traditional values and customs.

            In the wake of the recent slaughter at the Istanbul airport, a failed coup in Turkey underscored a dissatisfaction among many with a leadership sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood and unsupportive of efforts against ISIS. 

            And now, in Nice, we have witnessed yet another horrific massacre on French soil by a Muslim fanatic. Incredibly, the response from the French government has been to reinforce military action abroad. In the face of their government’s fecklessness, it is no surprise that paramilitary groups are organizing to take action against Muslim enclaves.

            Why is it taking so long for us in this country to wake up to reality? We have had the first Twin Towers, 9/11, Boston, Ft. Hood, Chattanooga, San Bernadino, Orlando, and more, yet our president continues to deny or even speak the words “radical Islamic terrorism.” Rather, he will accelerate the import of 10,000 more unvetted migrants from Syria.

            What we are seeing in Europe is the beginning of civil war. If Islamophiles like President Obama and liberal slaves to political correctness continue denying the growing threat of Muslim fanatics in this country, we may very well be heading for another Civil War of our own.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

It's All Politics

            My son Marc lives in Florida, but stays at our home when he has business in Norfolk. On the day FBI Director James Comey announced he wouldn’t recommend prosecution of Hillary Clinton, Marc stormed in and said, “I have lost complete confidence in our government.” He went on to recall that during his long career as a naval officer he was subject to very strict regulations governing the handling of sensitive or confidential information, and that the punishment for violating those regulations was swift and severe. He was outraged by the pass Comey gave to Clinton after describing a long list of indictable offenses, not to mention proving that she is a serial and shameless liar.

            Marc wasn’t the only one to voice similar opinions. For myself, I find it terribly difficult not to be cynical about our leaders’ assertions of fairness and impartiality. Comey’s verbal acrobatics to preserve his reputation as a straight-shooter are a case in point. Placing politics above justice, he knew all along that he would not recommend that Hillary be prosecuted, in spite of having a solid case. So he found a way to justify his decision by basing it on a lack of intent on Hillary’s part, while dismissing her gross negligence. He failed badly to make his case, and the speciousness of his logic was laid bare repeatedly during his testimony before by the House Oversight Committee.

            Two points betrayed Comey’s impartiality. First, when asked if Hillary Clinton had lied to the FBI during her 3 ½ hour interview, Comey said no. That was a safe answer, considering he had not been present at the 3 ½ hour interview – how strange is that? -- and no transcript was available for anyone to examine. Second, Comey admitted that he had not factored into his decision Secretary Clinton’s perjured testimony before a Congressional Committee on Benghazi. That is really strange, as perjury is a felony and the FBI was conducting a criminal investigation.

            Is my son’s loss of confidence in the government justified? We might say that it’s just something in the air. I call it the stench of corruption.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Standards Don't Apply

            My son Marc lives in Florida, but stays at our home when he has business in Norfolk. On the day of James Comey’s announcement that he wouldn’t recommend prosecution of Hillary Clinton, Marc stormed into our house and said, “I have lost complete confidence in our government.” He went on to recall that during his long career as a naval officer he was subject to very strict regulations governing the handling of sensitive or confidential information, and that the punishment for violating those regulations was swift and severe. He was understandably outraged by the pass Comey had given to Clinton after describing a long list of indictable offenses, not to mention proving that she is a serial and shameless liar.

            Marc wasn’t the only one to voice similar opinions. As THE HILL contributor Chuck Hobbs said, “…it becomes more obvious than ever that the rich and powerful seem to know instinctively that when accused of wrongdoing, absolutely nothing will come of it, no matter how serious the allegations.”

            A Wall Street Journal editorial said, “…the most revealing words in FBI Director James Comey’s statement explaining his decision not to recommend prosecuting Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information were these: ‘This is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions.’”

            Comey’s statement sounds very much as an admission that he applied a different standard to Hillary Clinton than he would to anyone else. Is the system rigged, as Donald Trump claims? No. I think it’s just something in the air. I call it the stench of corruption.