Saturday, January 29, 2011

World War III

            If I predicted that World War III will begin in the Middle East, I wouldn't be the first. All that's needed is for someone to light the fuse.
            We have war in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have Syria abetting Hezbollah's ascendancy in Lebanon. We have a revolution in Tunisia. Yemen is in turmoil and Libya is shaky. Are Algeria and Morocco next? Or Jordan?
            The recent developments in Egypt are most alarming. If the Islamic Brotherhood takes over in that country, it could block oil deliveries through the Suez Canal. And above it all we have Iran repeating its clear intent to wipe out Israel.
            This raises all sorts of questions for us:

1. If the Islamic Brotherhood closes the Suez Canal, how high would the price of gasoline have to soar before the United States intervenes? With President Obama having encouraged Mubarak's ouster, would he intervene at any price?

2. How far should the United States go to protect Israel in the event of an all-out war in the Middle East?

3. Would we be justified in supporting Israel in a preemptive strike against Iran?

4. Will it take World War III for President Obama to realize that his policy of appeasement doesn't work, that his praise of Islam only invites contempt, and that engagement with the enemy is no substitute for strength in the face of aggression?

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