Friday, February 4, 2011

Stupidity and Contempt

            Stupidity and contempt. To me, these are the two primary characteristics of the Obama administration when it comes to energy policy.
            Let's start with stupidity. The United States sits on the greatest reserves of gas and oil in the world. Yet, we import millions of barrels of oil from other countries that are either our sworn enemies or vulnerable to a takeover by them. The price of oil on the world market has just shot up to over $100 a barrel  because  of the turmoil in the Middle East. It could easily double if Islamists succeed in blocking the Straights of Hormuz or the Suez Canal. But the administration not only discourages exploration, it prevents the drilling of new wells.
            When Americans find themselves paying double and triple at the pump, the money spent there will not be available to spend on food, clothing, and other necessities. That is a surefire formula for economic collapse. But the administration doesn't see it that way. It's more important to keep the tree-huggers happy.
            Is that stupid, or what?
            Now contempt. In the last two years we have witnessed the contempt of the Obama administration and its Democratic lackeys in pushing through legislation like Obamacare, which the American people clearly opposed. The contempt of the administration in conducting its energy policy has now also been made clear.
            U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman has found Interior Secretary Ken Salazar in contempt for violating his 6/22/10 injunction against enforcing the drilling moratorium, which Salazar imposed after the Gulf oil disaster. But let's follow the bouncing ball here.
            First, Salazar appealed Feldman's decision, but lost. Unwilling to concede, he colluded with Climate Czar Carol Browner and imposed another, slightly different but effectively the same, moratorium on July 12. Judge Feldman declared this moratorium was also a violation of his injunction. On 9/12/10 Salazar lifted the moratorium. But guess how many drilling permits have been issued since then. NONE.
            Is that contempt, or what? Judge Feldman certainly saw it that way. Now it remains to be seen what the consequences will be.
            Up against such stupidity and contempt, is there any hope?  

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