Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Debt Ceiling

            This is it. The moment has come. It is time to decide whether we will regain control of our government or continue our profligate ways to inevitable dissolution of our nation as we know it.
            Congress will soon vote on whether or not to lift the debt ceiling. Many have argued against doing so, and I agree with them. The government cannot, must not, continue to spend more than it takes in. The reality, however, is that there are not enough votes to defeat the bill. So what can we do?
            The Republican Party led by Eric Cantor is engaged in a battle with President Obama and his Democrat toadies to attach severe conditions to the raising of the debt ceiling, These are: 1) statutory spending caps, 2) a balanced budget amendment, and 3) a two-thirds vote requirement for raising taxes and increasing the debt limit.
            This is the real battleground, because the Democrats want a clean bill to reduce spending, but none of the conditions attached to it. Now we will see what the Republicans are made of. To prevent further spending insanity, all three conditions must be met.
            Spending caps must be real and drastic. They must be based on what funds are left after we have satisfied our obligations to pay the interest on the debt. Without these caps, the second condition becomes meaningless, because Democrats will force tax increases to feed their spending habits. The third condition will also be meaningless as long as Democrats control the presidency and the Senate: we've seen how the Administration has circumvented Congress again and again with regulations that are nothing but disguised taxes on businesses, health care and energy.
            For once the Republicans hold the key cards. The debt ceiling cannot go up without their consent. Will they have the moral courage to hold the line, or will they retreat from White House negotiations with their tails between their legs?  It's all about principles and convictions. And guts.
            Republican leaders have been very insistent that they will not cave, that they have heard the voters speak. Well, we're about to find out what kind of men we voters have put in control of the House of Representatives.
            God help us if they prove to be gutless.

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