Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Obama's Contempt

            With Obama's poll numbers on a downhill slide, it is not difficult to understand his growing desperation. He must find a way to get people to love him again. After all, it's not his fault that the economy is going down the tubes and people can't find jobs. Someone else is to blame: Bush, rich people who refuse to pay their fair share, Wall Street, the Republicans, the Tea Party. Everyone is to blame but the guy in the mirror.
            Obama cannot bring himself to accept that his poll numbers are going down because he is doing a lousy job. His popularity, which was sky high after his election, is plummeting like a burst balloon. Many of his formerly rabid fans who were once enthralled by his smile and his lofty rhetoric are now seeing him for what he really is: mendacious, radical, narcissistic, arrogant, and, in the end, transparently incompetent.
            In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, Bret Stephens hit the nail on the head. In his view, it all comes down to Obama's contempt. Examples: insulting the British by returning the bust of Winston Churchill; slamming the Boston police for arresting a black professor; rebuking members of the Supreme Court in his 2010 State of the Union address; snubbing of Gordon Brown, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Benjamin Netanyahu. The list goes on: the Religious Right, gun owners, billionaires and jet owners, the Marine Corps, the American flag, the American taxpayer.
            Obama doesn't seem to care about tripling our debt and passing the burden on to our children and grandchildren. He has no qualms about riding around the country in Air Force One to make fund-raising and political campaign speeches. It doesn't bother him one bit to spend a couple of million dollars to buy two fancy buses made in Canada so he could ride into Mid-West towns in a phony attempt to show he is a man of the people. He has no problem spending millions to send his wife and her entourage on vacation in Europe and South Africa. And he has no apologies for wasting half a billion dollars on a failing Solyndra just to advance his green jobs agenda. That, my friends, is contempt at every turn.
             Worst of all, in my view, is Obama's contempt for America, a contempt that requires apologies to the world for our history of racism, our class inequality, our arrogance, our power, our success, our exceptionalism.
            Why can't we have a president who loves his country and is proud of it instead of being ashamed of it? Why can't we have a president who feels something other than contempt for his country and its citizens?

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