Saturday, June 30, 2012

Character, not Color

            In his memorable speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King dreamed of the day when his children would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.  On June 28, 2012, Dr. King would have been ashamed to see blacks tarnish his words and his dream.
            In response to the Congressional Black Caucus walking out of the House of Representatives to protest the vote to find Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, Alan West, the only member of that caucus not to do so, said it perfectly, "Today, the Congressional Black Caucus and other liberal members of Congress judged the Attorney General by the color of his skin and not by the content of his character."
            Fast and Furious is an enormous scandal. It is clear that the Justice Department authorized the ill-conceived gun-running operation that resulted in the death of an American agent and hundreds of Mexicans. To make matters worse, Justice Department testimony before Congress was proven false, and Holder himself lied about his knowledge of the operation. Congress had no choice but to hold the Attorney General in contempt when he refused to turn over subpoenaed documents and got the President to invoke executive privilege to prevent the truth from coming out. Holder richly deserved to be held in contempt. But blacks, abetted by leftists like Nancy Pelosi, accused Republicans of conducting a fishing expedition and suggested that it was linked to Republican attempts to suppress minority voting. This was in direct reference to the Justice Department suing states to prevent them from instituting voter I.D. , brazenly defying a ruling by the Supreme Court that such a requirement was constitutional.
            As if on cue, the Reverend Sharpton, who long ago established his racist bona fides in the Tawana Brawley case, picked up his banner of hate to accuse Republicans of racism in the Holder matter, just as he had cried racism in the Treyvon Martin case.
            We know there is racism in this country. But nowhere is it more evident than in the race baiting of the Sharptons of this world and the bias of the Congressional Black Caucus.
            President Obama could put a stop to all this by firing Holder and denouncing black racism. Instead he puts his own racist attitude in full view by defending Holder and supporting Sharpton, a regular visitor to the White House. This is consistent with his record of pre-judging white guilt in matters such as the police arrest of black professor Henry Louis Gates in Cambridge (the cops acted stupidly) and the Treyvon Martin case ("If I had a son, he would look like Treyvon").
            Racism, wherever it rears its ugly head, is disgusting and wrong. Let's just not excuse it when it comes from its supposed victims. Character, not color, should be the only measure of a man.

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