Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Tale of Two Scandals

            We are witnessing two enormous scandals that should be having a direct bearing on the outcome of this election but are not.
            The first scandal is the Benghazi cover-up. The facts are in. Our Libyan ambassador was denied the adequate protection that he asked for repeatedly before the anniversary of 9/11. Then, when the attack on our consulate came and our personnel on the ground pleaded for help, it was denied three times. Consequently, our ambassador and three other brave Americans died.
            The decision to deny additional security forces before 9/11 was made by the State Department.  Secretary Clinton has accepted responsibility. But the denial of assistance during the attack had to have been made by the President. He and his security advisors knew in real time what was happening on the ground; they also had the military forces ready to intervene. But the President said no. Yet, when asked directly whether he had made that call, he refused to answer.
            As Senator McCain has said, this was either a case of incompetence or a cover-up for political purposes. I think it was both. Worse, it was a gross dereliction of duty by the President of the United States whose first obligation is the protection of American citizens. Muslim terrorists murdered four Americans in Benghazi, but blood in on the hands of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, and our military and intelligence people as well. This is a scandal of unparalleled dimensions.
            The second scandal is the refusal of mainstream media to cover this story. Fox News sits virtually alone in doggedly pursuing the facts and exposing the culpability of the White House. Unsurprisingly, all attempts by Fox News to interview  key players in this affair have been denied. As an example close to home, The Virginian-Pilot, southeastern Virginia's major newspaper, has not printed a single word on this scandal since Fox News broke the story. Nothing. Not one word.
            There is no denying that major newspaper and television outlets are in the tank for Barack Obama. This is not surprising, since some 85% of their so-called journalists admit to favoring liberal candidates. But is there no limit to liberal bias? What ever happened to journalism's integrity, its fairness, its search for the truth? When media's principles are corrupted for political gain, whom can we turn to for honest reporting?
            Who is more culpable? The one with blood on his hands? Or the one who witnesses the crime and says nothing?

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