Friday, July 12, 2013

Obama's Energy Policies

            The majority of Americans, it seems to me, don't care about what's going on in Washington.  The IRS scandal does not affect them directly, the Benghazi scandal is old news, the Justice department's violation of the First Amendment affects somebody else, and the NSA is looking for terrorists, not them.  The suits lie, make promises they can't keep, and only care about votes.  Isn't that the way it's always been inside the Beltway?  So why should we care?
            The indifferent and the apathetic go on with their daily  lives oblivious to how incompetent, abusive, and corrupt government affects them.  They will continue in blissful ignorance until the day the cost of their medical insurance goes through the roof or their electricity bills skyrocket.  By then it will be too late.
            The Obamacare train wreck is so complex, not even the people who wrote it can understand it, much less make it work.  So let's take a the much simpler example of President Obama's energy policy.  This one is not hard to understand.
            Let's be clear about the president's lofty goals:  he wants to control the climate, to protect the ozone, and to prevent the oceans from rising.  It matters little that earth's natural cycles have something to say about it.  He has the solution: clean energy.  Windmills and solar panels are better than coal and oil, and electric cars don't pollute the atmosphere like gasoline-powered automobiles. 
            But there's a problem here.  The president bases his entire energy agenda on global warming and climate change caused by human beings.  Both are lies.  Global warming is a hoax refuted by the facts:  there hasn't been global warming in 100 years, and there is no chance that the low-lying areas around the world will be inundated as the result of ice melt.  Another ice age is more likely.
            The big culprit according to Obama is carbon dioxide that threatens the protective ozone layer.  Since CO2 emissions are caused by fossil fuels, especially coal, we must eliminate them.  This is an even bigger lie than global warming.  The fact is that CO2 is absolutely essential to life.  Without CO2 being converted to oxygen, life on earth would not be possible.  In addition, the claim that man is producing too much CO2 is nonsense:  volcanic eruptions  around the world produce massive amounts of CO2, far more than man ever could.  Yet, the world's atmosphere is not affected by them.
            Unfortunately, facts don't count when Obama has an agenda.  He is sending his "enviro-socialists"  in the EPA and the departments of Energy and Interior to prevent oil exploration on public lands, to find fault with fracking, and, most egregiously, to kill the coal industry.  EPA regulations already prevent construction of new coal-fired plants, and its newest regulations will in the end close all coal plants and put an end to coal mining. 
            The president doesn't care that coal is the source of nearly half of the electrical energy Americans consume.  He doesn't care that his policies will result in tens of thousands of workers losing their jobs (500,00 by 2030 according to the Heritage Foundation) and that coal-dependent states like West Virginia will be impoverished.  He surely doesn't care that all Americans will see their electric bill skyrocket. After all, he predicted as much during his presidential campaign.
            It is high time we realize that in waging war on fossil fuels Obama is waging war on us.


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