Sunday, May 11, 2014

Dems Fear Benghazi

          The more Democrats say that Benghazi is old news, a dead issue, a red herring, etc., the more it appears that they fear the truth. 

          From the beginning, the Administration’s response to inquiries on Benghazi has been to delay, obstruct, deny, lie, and cover up.  At last a memo, withheld from investigating committees for a year and a half, has surfaced to establish that the White House was complicit in prepping Susan Rice to make false statements on five Sunday talk shows following the murders of four Americans in Benghazi.  Under direction from Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, she blamed the attacks on a protest against a video.  For House Speaker Boehner that was the last straw; he had no choice but to appoint a Select Investigating Committee to cut through the lies and get to the truth.

          Among those most fearful of the truth is Hillary Clinton, the Democrats’ presumptive candidate for President in 2016.  She will have to answer for the lack of security before the attacks; she will have to confirm or deny that she and the President were the ones who came up with the “blame the video” idea; she will have to explain why she continued to lie to the public and to the families of the deceased when she knew the video story was false.  “What difference, at this point, does it make?” is not an answer the Committee will accept.

          Hillary Clinton will not have an easy sail to the presidency.  Challengers will help voters recall Clinton White House years filled with scandals that she blamed on a “vast right wing conspiracy.”  They will bring up Whitewater, missing records, mysterious deaths, bimbo eruptions (Monica Lewinsky is already back in the news), cattle futures, and her failed health care proposal.  They will point to her dismal record as head of the State Department.  And they will point to the hypocrisy of her rants about the Boko Haram kidnappings when she was the one who refused repeatedly to place Boko Haram on the terrorist watch list. 

          Columnist William Safire once called Hillary Clinton a congenital liar.   She may not be a match for Barack Obama in that department, but I’m willing to bet she’ll be at her very best mendacious self when the questions start coming.  Stay tuned.


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