Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ferguson Bias

          Would anyone be surprised if our left-leaning media continues to obsess about the Ferguson incident until the November elections?  Why not?  Time needed to cover a white on black killing is a perfect excuse for not digging into the Administration’s multiple domestic scandals and its failures in Ukraine and the Middle East.
           In the same weekend as Ferguson we had 26 shootings in Chicago.  Did Al Sharpton rush to Chicago?  Of course not.  Chicago has blacks killing blacks, but Sharpton’s eyes can only focus on Ferguson, because it has a white police officer “murdering” a gentle and unarmed black teenager with his hands up.  As Jason Riley (who happens to be black) of the Wall Street Journal said, “Al Sharpton didn’t head to Chicago.  He headed to St. Louis because he has an entirely different agenda, which is to continue to blame whites.”           
          What was CNN’s Andrea Mitchell’s response to Riley?  “That is not actually his agenda, because he’s actually there on a peace mission today.”  How ridiculous a response is that?  But how typical of biased media?
          Let’s face it.  Too many journalists are just as bad as the race hustlers.  They give us round-the-clock coverage of looters and haters, but have little interest in peacemakers and those who cry out for the truth.  When the governor of Missouri demands a vigorous prosecution before the facts are known, and Eric Holder, a racist in a class by himself, is fanning the flames of racial injustice, reporters on the scene give them full coverage, while studio talking heads wallow in their prejudice.
          Meanwhile, black teenagers are dying by the dozens in Chicago, but nobody goes there.  After all, it’s only blacks shooting blacks.

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