Monday, September 8, 2014

Let's All Make Sure

          When I watched NBC’s Chuck Todd interview the President on Meet the Press, I was struck by the number of times Mr. Obama used the locution “make sure,” as in “…make sure we got eyes on the problem…” or “…make sure that the public understands…”  Out of curiosity I went to the full transcript of the interview to see just how many times he used it.  I don’t know if I missed any, but I counted four times when the President spoke about ISIL, six times when discussing his immigration policies, and three more on his relations with Congress.
          This wasn’t the first time Obama used this expression; he uses it in practically every speech he makes.  More than an odd habit, I think it reveals something about his mindset that I find very disturbing.  For instance, when Todd asked Obama if he was preparing the country to go back to war, the President answered, “I’m preparing the country to MAKE SURE that we deal with a threat from ISIL.” 
          What does this answer tell me?  First of all, it evades the question, just as State Department spokesmen have been evading the same direct question from the press.  It denotes a lack of forcefulness, an indecision on policy and tactics, a vagueness that does not reassure us that the President is committed to action—or to anything at all. 
          The President also said we have to “MAKE SURE we have a good policy.”  But you, Mr. President is the one who sets policy.  How long will you continue to dither before telling us what your policy is, or whether you even have one?  Was it part of your policy to admit publicly, to everyone’s cringing embarrassment, that you have no strategy for dealing with ISIL?   
          MAKE SURE, then, is a sign of hesitation, weakness, and timidity, and an inability to deal with reality in concrete terms.  And that is not something we want from the leader of the free world when asked if he is preparing the country for war.  If the President leads, we will follow.  But first he must lead.


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