Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Politicized Justice

          On October 3rd Thomas Sowell wrote, “The erosion of Constitutional government over the years has become, under the Obama administration, a deluge of arbitrary edicts and defiant lawlessness protected by a grossly politicized Department of Justice.”
          Now if I had written that, I’d be instantly accused of racism by my critics.  But Sowell has long been one of the most astute and respected commentators on the national scene and can hardly be accused of racism, since he happens to be black.  Sowell’s point here, however, is not about racism, but about candidate Obama’s promise to fundamentally change the nature of this country.  The president has delivered on that promise with multiple violations of his oath of office and by politicizing every aspect of government under his control.  And he has done it with the collusion of his Attorney General, Eric Holder.
          The president’s incompetence on both the domestic and international scene is bad enough; he’s not the first incompetent president we’ve ever had.  But he is the first one, in my view, to have placed his ideology and political interests above the good of the country.  Every federal agency under his control, from the IRS to the EPA, has been radicalized to advance his agenda.  And Eric Holder has been right there to make sure that every scandal is covered up, every access to the truth denied, and every congressional investigation thwarted, even to the point of being cited for contempt of Congress.  Meanwhile, our supremely arrogant president takes responsibility for nothing, holds no one accountable, blames all his failures on others, and proves his untrustworthiness with empty threats and unrepentant mendacity.
          In a recent speech President Obama boasted of his inviolability by saying of the coming elections, “My name is not on the ballot.”  But then he added, without a hint of remorse for the damage he’s done to this country, “but my policies are.”  Indeed.
          The latest polls indicate that voters intend to register their opposition to Obama’s policies in November.  Those who have consistently supported the president and his agenda will face the wrath of the people.  Of course, I may be wrong.  But I have more faith in the concerned citizenry than I have in Obama and his henchmen.


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