Sunday, November 16, 2014

More of the Same from Obama

          A flurry of news items have grabbed the public’s attention since the mid-term elections.  Several deserve our consideration.
          President Obama insists on going through with an unconstitutional executive order to give de facto amnesty to five million illegals, and Republicans vow to fight him any way they can.  Some have even uttered the “I” word.  But the GOP leadership insists that impeachment is not in the cards.  Congressman Trey Gowdy gave one reason for not wanting it when he asked, “Have you met Joe Biden?”  Another congressman agreed, describing Biden as two floppy shoes short of a full clown outfit.  So much for respecting the vice-presidency.
          The president is also moving forward on his global warming agenda by, on the one hand, negotiating a deal with China on pollution control, and, on the other, pledging $3 billion of taxpayer money to help emerging nations fight climate change.  The first is a symbolic farce, and the second will get little support in Congress or among developed nations that have better things to do with their money.
          Then there’s that familiar target of Conservative pundits, ObamaCare.  Among reports of glitches in the new start-up period, we have embarrassing videos of Jonathan Gruber revealing the extreme cynicism and dishonesty of ACA architects like himself.       “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” said Gruber.  “Call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.”  In other words, let’s not tell the people the truth.  Let’s make promises we know we can’t keep (“If you like your doctor…If you like your plan…”).  The stupid people out there won’t know the difference.  What’s important is that we know what’s best for them.   
          Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are on record praising Gruber’s brilliance, although Pelosi now claims she didn’t know the guy.  And Obama says Gruber wasn’t part of his ACA team.   Then why, we ask, did he visit the White House so many times, and what did he do for the $400,000 he was paid?
          Charles Krauthammer said it best: “But now we know what lay behind Obama’s smooth reassurances—the arrogance of an academic liberalism, so perfectly embodied in the Gruber Confession, that rules in the name of a citizenry it mocks, disdains and deliberately, contemptuously deceives.”  Amen.


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