Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Hope for the New Year

          Some might remark that we are in quite a mess as we begin a new year.  While our insouciant president vacations in Hawaii, people are dying at the hands of fanatics both on our streets and in many countries beyond our borders.  Yet, there is reason for optimism.  Some of the progress, like the normalization of relations with Cuba, may be delusional.  But one happy development, the drop in oil prices, is having a salutary effect worldwide, not the least of which is on a belligerent Russian, suddenly beset by financial woes that threaten to derail its military ambitions.
          Closer to home we have reason to cheer the progress in our home state of North Carolina.  The Left may not be happy with Republicans having control of both the executive and legislative branches of government.  But this monopoly has had its positive effects.  We now have a right-to-work state that is advancing free-market policies, rushing past weak unions to foster a pro-growth agenda, reforming a bloated government, encouraging private-school vouchers, and advancing pension and tort reforms.    
          It is no accident that North Carolina is one of the fastest-growing states in the country.  It is promoting economic growth with sound tax policies and a business-friendly atmosphere.  Even Perquimans County is now seeing a promise of growth in water-related industries like boat building and repair.  As Baby Boomers age, they will increasingly look to our area and its moderate climate as a prime area for retirement.  Even professional golf is now discovering the attractiveness of the Albemarle Sound area and its friendly people.
          North Carolina and Perquimans County in particular are, as some people have proclaimed, a slice of paradise.  Those of us who have made this our permanent home have many reasons to smile and welcome the New Year.

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