Thursday, February 26, 2015

Is Obama a Muslim?

          The kerfluffle resulting from Mayor Giuliani’s statement that Obama does not love America has once again put the President’s faith front and center.  Is he a Muslim? 
          The results of a Washington Post poll released on February 25th are illuminating.  When asked what religion best describes what Obama’s deep down beliefs are, 10% of Democrats, 54 % of Republicans, and 26% of Independents said Muslim.  Fewer than half of Democrats and only 9% of Republicans said Christian.   
          We must note that this poll did not ask respondents if they thought Obama was a practicing Muslim, but it does indicate that a huge majority of Americans believe at the very least that he is a Muslim sympathizer.  There is much evidence to support that position, not only in Obama’s background, but even more in what he has said and done since elected President.
          We are all too familiar with Obama’s refusal to call the ISIS terrorists Islamic.  He refuses to believe that they derive their ideology from the Koran, which directs its faithful to kill the infidel.  He also denies that hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world support the goal of establishing a world-wide Caliphate governed by Sharia law; he prefers to call Islam a religion of peace, when it clearly is not.
          What disturbs me the most is the Administration’s increasingly aggressive posture toward Israel.  First, it is hardly an accident that Susan Rice’s affront to Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu and John Kerry’s mendacious Congressional testimony this week were so brazenly anti-Semitic; they could not have made their comments without the President’s approval, tacit or otherwise.       
          Second, knowing that a nuclear-armed Iran would pose the biggest threat to Israel, Obama has now all but insured that Iran will go nuclear in the not too distant future; his promise to prevent that at all costs has been abandoned.
          Third, the President has inexplicably turned his back on Egypt, the one Muslim country that has done the most to combat terrorism in the Middle East.  It was Egypt’s president, Abdel Fattah el Sisi, who called on the leading Imams to reform Islam; it was el Sisi who drove the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists out of power in Egypt; it was Egypt that bombed the ISIL barbarians who beheaded 21 Christians in Libya when the Administration wouldn’t even acknowledge that they were Christians; it is Egypt that continues to fight ISIL in the Sinai and opposes Hamas terrorists in Palestine.  Yet, it was President Obama who recently invited representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood to the White House, and it was President Obama who had the gall to host the Emir of Qatar on February 24th, when Qatar has been a prime supplier of arms and money to Middle Eastern terrorists, including the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.  It’s no wonder el Sisi is furious with the President.
          Shouldn’t we all be?

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