President Obama has proven again and
again to be way out of his league as the leader of this country, never mind the
leader of the free world. He not only
lacks the competence to lead, his mendacity and narcissistic arrogance tell us
he cannot be trusted to level with the American people or to keep his promises
to our allies. Worse, he now gives signs
of being so detached from reality, we have reason to doubt his sanity.
His commencement speech at the Coast Guard
Academy was positively baffling. There
he was addressing graduates who are about to launch their careers as military
officers, and he identifies climate change as a serious threat to global security
and an immediate risk to our national security.
“Make no mistake,” he says, “it will impact how our military defends our
country.”Excuse me? The Middle East is falling apart, Iran is about to go nuclear, Russia is gobbling up its neighbors, and North Korea threatens to lob nuclear-tipped intercontinental missiles our way, but the President of the United States says we need to act now to combat the crop failures, drought, and high food prices that fuel unrest and civil war in the Middle East! And just how does he expect the Coast Guard to defend the world from that?
Meanwhile, we have Josh Earnest speaking for the President and telling us that over all we are winning the fight against ISIS. This is absolutely delusional. What will he say when ISIS overruns Baghdad? That it’s just another temporary setback? That things will settle down when Iran gets the bomb?
In my opinion the greatest threat to our national security is the clueless dunce occupying the Oval Office.
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