Saturday, September 19, 2015

Obama Disrespects the Pope

What do Sister Simone Campbell, Bishop Eugene Robinson, and Mateo Williamson have in common? They were all invited by the White House to attend the welcoming ceremony for Pope Francis when he visits the United States for the first time.

Any problem with that? The Vatican thinks so because it doesn't want the pope to be seen as endorsing their positions. And what positions might those be? Well, Sister Campbell heads a group of nuns that support ObamaCare and its provisions for funding abortions and contraception, in violation of Catholic teaching. Bishop Robinson is the first openly gay Episcopal bishop and an ex-spouse in a same-sex marriage. Mr. Williamson is a transgender activist.

Pope Francis is a loving and generous man, but I doubt he would want to be photographed embracing these three guests. But the real question for me is why President Obama would even want to put the pope in such a position. Now, I don't agree with Pope Francis on some things, such as his views on capitalism and climate change. But I have great respect for him as a Church leader and saintly man. He deserves to be welcomed as such by our president. Obama's secular views and opposition to traditional Christian values have no place here. He should, for once, set aside his political ideology and show a little class by disinviting Campbell, Robinson, and Williamson.

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