Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Not Qualified

Note:  This is the text of a letter to our local newspaper about Joseph Hoffler, a big fan of Obama and a frequent critic of mine.  I never respond to my critics in the press, but in his case I had to make an exception.

    Joseph Hoffler wants to be a County Commissioner. I applaud his willingness to serve this community, just as I honor his military service to this country. The question now is not about his willingness to serve, but about his qualifications.
     I have never met Mr. Hoffler, so I can't claim to know him personally. But I can infer a great deal about him from his frequent letters to the editor of this newspaper.
     In all his writings Mr. Hoffler has been a steadfast, even obsequious supporter of President Obama. He has praised ObamaCare by citing the number of enrollments as a proof of success, this in spite of that number falling far below expectations, not to mention the disastrous roll-out, the failures of so many state exchanges, the ballooning premiums and deductibles, and the millions in losses by insurance companies, all of which have resulted in an overwhelmingly negative opinion of the program.
    Mr. Hoffler has credited Mr. Obama for the falling gas prices. This, as Bob Bose pointed out in a rebuttal, is laughable. President Obama has been an obdurate opponent of fossil fuels, preferring to waste billions on renewable energy sources that fit his climate change agenda. He deserves no credit whatsoever for low fuel prices.
    Mr. Hoffler also does not seem to object to the president's destructive economic policies, his job-killing regulations, his unconstitutional executive orders, and his failure to enforce the law on illegal immigration.
    Even scarier, Mr. Hoffler does not agree with 80% of Americans who think that Obama's foreign policy of weakness and appeasement poses a grave threat to the security of our country. Incredibly, Mr. Hoffler still blames Bush for the rise and spread of Islamic terrorism.
     In view of all this, I question Mr. Hoffler's ability to make critical judgments based on facts rather than ideological bias. Joseph W. Hoffler (Lt Col, USAF-ret., as he never fails to remind us) may have been a competent officer, but military service does not inoculate him from error, nor is it a cure for his ignorance.

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