Friday, September 30, 2016

Legacy of a Narcissist

            Barack Obama, supreme narcissist, is concerned about preserving his legacy. He is depending on the voters in this election to confirm their love of him by electing Hillary Clinton to succeed him and continue his policies. That he is depending on the most corrupt politician in the history of presidential politics to perpetuate his agenda does not appear to bother him. But just in case, he is buying insurance by appealing to his most loyal constituents, the solid bloc of black voters who flocked to the polls to elect and re-elect him. He will consider it a personal insult if they don’t vote to cement his legacy by voting for Hillary.

            What will be Obama’s legacy? On the domestic front he will be remembered as the man who presided over: a recession recovery that never exceeded two percent growth in GDP; the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s; a doubling of the national debt; a disastrous health care system derisively bearing his name; a widening racial divide featuring race riots and assaults on law enforcement officers; out-of-control illegal immigration; and repeated acts terrorism whose nature the president refuses to acknowledge.

            Internationally, history will remember President Obama as a weak leader who: abhorred confrontation with Russia in Ukraine, with China in the South China Sea, and with North Korea’s nuclear testing; created a vacuum in Iraq that led to the rise of ISIS; and negotiated with Iran a disastrous agreement that threatens the security of the Middle East.

            Worst of all, Obama drew a red line with Syria, but did not act when Syria crossed it. Had the President bolstered our allies on the ground by destroying Syria’s planes and its chemical stores, we would not have seen the destruction of so many cities, the loss of more than 200,000 innocent civilian lives, and the desperate migration of a million refugees.

            Barack Obama has always been in love with the image he sees in the mirror. But history will not be kind to him. His legacy will not be one of success and triumph; it will be one of failure at home, weakness abroad, and cowardice in the face of the enemy.


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