Friday, December 16, 2016

Let's Go Hacking

            The hysteria in the Clinton camp is beyond surreal. These people just can’t accept defeat at the hands of a crude, ignorant, blowhard entertainer, and will do anything to invalidate his victory.

            First, they attacked the very idea of the electoral college, but recognizing that they couldn’t change the Constitution, they tried a recount. That failed. Then they went after the electors themselves with a barrage of phone calls and emails to demand that the electors “vote their conscience” and not vote for Trump.  Finally, they said that Russian hacking influenced the election, with Josh Earnest (no doubt at Obama’s urging) going so far as to accuse Trump of asking Russia to meddle with the elections in his favor.

            These facts are clear: 1) Someone hacked the DNC and exposed the collusion between the DNC and Hillary to eliminate Bernie Sanders as a serious challenger; 2) Someone hacked Podesta’s emails to damage Hillary’s candidacy; and 3) WikiLeaks revealed the hacked information.

            What is not clear is who did the hacking. Of course, Hillary’s people want to blame the Russians and point to the CIA’s suspicions as fact. But there are problems with this accusation. First, the CIA has not supported its suspicions with evidence. Second, the Director of National Intelligence does not share the CIA’s conclusions. And third, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks insists that he did not get the hacked information from the Russians. Assange is backed by British Ambassador Craig Murray who claims he knows the hacker and has met him. The hacker, he says, is a Washington insider.

            We don’t know if Murray is telling the truth—there’s so much fake news out there—or is willing to identify his source. But just image how nuts the Democrats will go if Murray does reveal the identity of the hacker, and it turns out it was someone in Hillary’s camp...

            I’m not wishing any further embarrassment on Hillary and her toadies. I just wish the Democrats would stop embarrassing themselves and the country with their puerile attempts to reverse the outcome of the elections.

            To use a sports metaphor, Hillary’s victory was supposed to be a slam dunk. But her shot clanked off the rim and the Democrats lost. Game over. Get over it.

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