For the last eight years I have been
an unrelenting critic of Barack Obama. With this final essay I say goodbye to
the Narcissist-in-Chief as he struts off the world stage, vaunting his many
imagined accomplishments and denying responsibility for his notable failures. But
should we be thankful for anything he has done for this country?
Obama’s legacy can be summarized in
a few words. On the international front, those words are Aleppo, Jerusalem, and
the South China Sea. Among many others, these best represent disasters
resulting from America’s failure to lead.
Aleppo has become the symbol of
Obama’s cowardice. Half a million people have died in Syria and five million
displaced because Obama chose to do nothing when Assad crossed the president’s
red line and launched the genocide of his own people. Capitalizing on the
President’s timidity, Russian and Iran, America’s sworn enemies, moved in,
while ISIS continued to fill the vacuum created by Obama’s failure to secure
the peace in Iraq.
Jerusalem symbolizes Obama’s
treachery in the abandonment of America’s staunchest ally in the Middle East.
No president has ever failed to defend Israel against the pack of anti-Semitic
jackals in the United Nations. Not until Obama did this past December.
The South China Sea is the latest
symbol of China’s ascendancy in the Pacific. Its militarizing of the area mocks
Obama’s impotence in maintaining America’s dominance in the Far East, as well
as his clueless response to North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons aimed
at our shores.
On the domestic front, President
Obama has given us racial division, unsustainable national debt, economic
anemia, the worst labor-force participation in half a century, and a gaggle of
leftist policies on energy, health care, and the environment, not to mention a
blind eye to the nature of Islamic terrorism.
It has taken the American voter
eight years to finally put an end to the corrosiveness of Obama’s bankrupt
agenda. For all his efforts to fundamentally change America both at home and on
the world stage, perhaps we can be thankful for Barack Obama’s true legacy, which,
for better or for worse, can be summarized in two words: Donald Trump.
Yes! That sums up his legacy, what a pathetic excuse for a president. And so many people are so close minded to the disasters he has created. Disgusting