Saturday, May 13, 2017


            President Trump’s heart is in the right place, but his mouth keeps getting him in trouble.  He has done many good things in his avowed commitment to “Make America Great Again,” but his intemperate tweets have his most loyal staff members running for cover.  The President’s threat to discontinue daily press briefings may be the only way to save Sean Spicer’s dignity if not his sanity.

            Trump haters in Congress and the media are giddy with the daily fodder he provides them for their daily cannonades.  The sad consequence is that unrelenting, one-sided criticism is ultimately destructive of our democratic institutions.

            The obstructionism of Chuck Schumer and congressional Democrats—their opposition to anything Trump—is devoid of any consideration of truth and civility.  A perfect example was their monumental hypocrisy in the wake of the President’s firing of FBI Director Comey, the man whose decapitation they had called for incessantly in retribution for Hillary’s defeat.

            Some argue that Democrats are feeding the frenzy in the mass media, especially the hysterical fulminations of cable TV stations like MSNBC.  Others argue that the media are legitimizing the hyper-partisanship in Congress.  Either way, this symbiotic relationship of the Left is proving very harmful to what should be a constructive national dialog.  Worse, it is infecting other aspects of society, particularly among the young.

            We have had many examples of institutions of higher learning like UC Berkeley denying First Amendment rights to Conservative speakers.  Now we have the graduating class of black Bethune-Cookman University hissing, booing, and turning their backs on commencement speaker Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos for no apparent reason other than her association with Donald Trump.  This rudeness was an undeserved and misguided insult to a woman who is dedicated to improving the education of inner-city black youths through her advocacy of school choice. 

            Will the madness ever end?


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