Saturday, December 9, 2017

Scandals and Corruption

            On a single day last week newspapers reported on an NFL Steelers-Bengals game that got ugly with deliberately-inflicted injuries, a suspension of a Patriots star for a gratuitous body-slam of a defenseless opponent, and an entire country (Russia) being barred from the upcoming Winter Olympics for government-sponsored doping. This came on the heels of the on-going sagas of NFL players disrespecting our flag and three incredibly stupid UCLA basketball players caught shoplifting in China, of all places. Sports are supposed to be for our entertainment. This is entertainment?

            In Washington, Congressional sex abusers continue to be outed. So far, it has been an equal opportunity debacle with three Democrats (John Conyers, Al Franken, and Ruben Kihuen) and three Republicans (Joe Barton, Trent Franks, and Blake Farenthold) facing an ignominious end to their legislative careers. The word is that as many as 40 more will follow.

            Fighting for space on the front pages is another scandal of even greater consequence for the nation, the growing evidence of corruption in the FBI and the Justice Department. People like Peter Strzok, Jeannie Rhee, Andrew Weissmann, and Bruce Ohr (not to mention James Comey himself) have already been identified as having played a role in the exoneration of Hillary Clinton, the production of the salacious Trump dossier, and the unmasking and persecution of Trump supporters. Further, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation has been totally compromised by the extreme bias of its agents. Critics go so far as to accuse the FBI of having become a shadow government accountable to no one. Judging by the FBI’s refusal to cooperate with Congressional investigative committees and Mueller’s use of the agency as a political weapon, they may be right.

            What is most worrisome is that the abhorrent behavior in sports, the exploding sex scandals in Congress, and the corruption in the FBI all have one thing in common: the shredding of our country’s moral fiber. Unfortunately, I don’t see our President, himself tainted by multiple accusations of abuse and addicted to hyperbolic slogans and malicious tweets, as the one to lead our nation out of the morass. Who will?


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