Saturday, January 20, 2018

"It's the Economy, stupid"

            When Bill Clinton ran for President, the catchphrase that encapsulated his strategy was simple: “It’s the economy, stupid.” It worked, demonstrating that what voters care most about is their pocketbook. If this truth holds, Donald Trump, in spite of his multiple faults, will not only cruise to re-election in 2020, but will lead Republicans in Congress to even greater majorities in the November mid-term elections.

            Democrats are terrified. They and their sycophants in the media will do anything to divert voters’ attention from Donald Trump’s successes in his first year in office, especially the positive results of the tax reform bill.

            Nancy Pelosi warned that passage of the bill would lead to Armageddon. Well, this is what Armageddon looks like: led by AT&T, hundreds of companies have anticipated the benefits of tax reform by giving their employees raises and bonuses. Walmart, the largest employer in the country is not only giving out bonuses, but is also raising the minimum wage for their employees.

            Democrats warned that corporate tax reduction windfalls would only be used to enrich the people at the top. How wrong they were: many corporations have announced massive capital investments in new plants, while others are moving operations back to the States (ex, Chrysler relocating a plant from Mexico to Michigan).

            Hypocrite-in-Chief Chuck Schumer shed crocodile tears in predicting that tax cuts would add trillions to the national debt—this from a man who had no qualms about the previous administration’s doubling of the national debt. Not surprisingly, he was silent when Apple announced it would return $250 billion in cash that the company is holding overseas and pay a tax of $38 billion on the repatriated funds, in effect blowing a neat little hole in the national debt. We can expect that many of the companies holding some $2.5 trillion abroad will also do the same. While it was at it, Apple also announced a $2,500 bonus for its employees. And, by the way, Apple will invest some of the repatriated money to build a new campus that will employ 20,000 high-salaried people. Right here at home.

            Democrats don’t want to talk about the economy. They’d rather talk about DACA and the President’s vulgarity. But Americans know better: “It’s the economy, stupid.”

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