Saturday, May 19, 2018

A Playgournd for Adults

            “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me.” Remember hearing that when you were a kid? Name-calling is common on the playground, but adults should know better. Some don’t, as evidenced by the outrageous epithets launched by the Left at conservatives, capitalists, and freedom lovers.

            Take the brouhaha in Seattle. When the Seattle city council voted to impose a head tax on big business to fund measures to care for the homeless, Amazon and other corporations responsible for the job growth in that city reacted by declaring they would shelve plans for expansion or begin looking at relocation to places with a friendlier business climate. What was the reaction? The Left screamed “Extortion!” and accused the companies of using mob-like threats. “Housing is a right,” it said. But nobody demanded that Seattle re-examine its 475-page building code that makes it virtually impossible to build affordable housing in that city.

            “A terrorist organization…They have done everything they can to perpetuate a culture of violence that we have in this country.” Was Debbie Wasserman Schultz talking about ISIS, MS-13, Antifa, or the south side of Chicago? No. She was showing her contempt for the five million members of the NRA, not one of which has been guilty of rioting against free speech or shooting up schools

            When President Trump called members of the notorious MS-13 gang animals, the Left came to the defense of these murderers. It called the president a Nazi and a racist and compared him to slave traders. One Washington Post columnist blogged, “This is disgusting. And his evangelical sycophants will applaud his utter dehumanization of men, women, and children.” Sure. Why not attack religion while you’re at it?

            Of course, our thin-skinned president is not one to take offense lightly or quietly. Maybe the White House could build a playground outside the West Wing for him and his slanderers to fire insults at each other. Or maybe they should simply grow up.

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