Saturday, June 23, 2018

Enough Already

            Haven’t we had enough of Hollywood entertainers like Robert de Niro, Michelle Wolf, and Peter Fonda firing F bombs and vile insults at President Trump and his family? Haven’t we had enough of television personalities like the self-absorbed ladies on “The View” attack conservatives for their positions on abortion and religious freedom? Can we stand any more hysteria from the Radical Left when it attributes any challenge to its infallible doctrine on diversity and equality to intractable racism?

            Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant because she works for President Trump. While having a private dinner in another restaurant not long after holding a press conference to explain President Trump’s immigration policy, HHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was surrounded by a mob who then followed her to continue their protest outside her home. So much for the Left’s respect for free speech and the right to privacy.

            ICE agents are charged with protecting Americans by hunting down and deporting dangerous illegal immigrants who have committed violent crimes. New York Gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon called the agents—get this—TERRORISTS.

            Roused to new levels of moralistic indignation at the images (some of them faked) of caged children separated from their parents at the southern border, ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted a combined 176 minutes of air time to the subject from June 13 to June 18. Worse, CNN and MSNBC compared the detention centers of illegal immigrants to Nazi concentration camps 22 times during that same period.

            When it came time for Democrats in Congress to denounce such odious comparisons, Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut orated, “The policy of forced separation reminds us of the cattle cars of Nazi Germans when children were separated from their parents.” What??? Such hyperbole is not just outrageous and despicable, it is an insult to the memory of Holocaust victims. It is obscene.

            Haven’t we all had enough?

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