Sunday, September 16, 2018

Florence and Washington

            The disaster surrounding us in the wake of Florence is a perfect metaphor for the mess in Washington.  As the storm that struck and stalled over the Carolinas continues to inflict death and destruction, so the stench of corruption, scandal, and treason reeking from our capital is shredding the very fiber of our democracy. The stark difference is that rescue teams are out in force to save lives threatened by the storm, demonstrating an inexhaustible spirit of neighborly love, whereas nothing can stop the muckrakers, liars, and traitors consumed by their hate for a duly-elected president from tearing this country apart.

            Is there anyone not disgusted with the desperate methods Democrats have been using to prevent Brett Kavanaugh from sitting on the Supreme Court? Is there no end to Robert Mueller’s search for anything to destroy the presidency of Donald Trump? Has the integrity of the FBI and the Justice Department been permanently compromised? Has the mainstream media abandoned all sense of fairness and respect for the truth? Will the November elections turn the House of Representatives over to the likes of violence-inciting Maxine Waters and empty-headed socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

            I fear the wrath of Mother Nature less than I dread the answers to these questions.

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