Saturday, October 20, 2018

Elizabeth Warren--Woman of Color

            On November 19, 1493, Christopher Columbus, on his second voyage to the New World, set foot on what is now Puerto Rico and claimed it for Spain. At the time of Columbus’s discovery, the inhabitants of Puerto Rico were Carib Indians, a warrior people rumored to roast and eat the flesh of their enemies. Undeterred by the reputation of the natives, Spain proceeded to colonize the island.

            Earlier this year, my wife, who was born in New York City of Puerto Rican immigrants, spit in a vial and sent it off to have her DNA analyzed. Sure enough, the report came back showing a preponderance of Iberian (Spanish and Portuguese) ancestry. But it also showed 13% Native American blood, which we can assume resulted from a mixed marriage some generations back between a European colonist and a native Carib.

            I asked my son David in jest if he thought he had enough Native American blood to build a casino. It certainly would be enough, apparently, for him to be admitted as a preferred minority to Harvard Law School, which boasted of having in Elizabeth Warren its first woman of color. And she had only .009% Native American blood. So much for Harvard’s commitment to diversity and its policy of discriminating against Asian applicants.

            Warren’s richly-deserved mockery points to the pitfalls of racial identity and to the bankruptcy of programs designed to benefit minorities solely on the basis of their race. DNA doesn’t define who we are as individuals or as Americans. We are a melting pot enriched by the various strengths and talents of the people who live and work in this land of opportunity. It doesn’t matter how or when our ancestors came here.  

              Senator Warren, for her part, has made her own important discovery: nothing damages a self-absorbed politician more than ridicule. As one wag put it, Elizabeth Warren, who profited from her claim of being, as Harvard put it, a woman of color, is in fact whiter than Ivory Soap.

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