Saturday, April 27, 2019

Pass the Rolaids

            There doesn’t seem to be any end to the acid reflux in the stomachs of Trump haters. They spent over two years accusing the president of collusion with Russia, going so far as to call him a traitor. Then Mueller, after spending $25 million looking for evidence of collusion and conspiracy, concluded there hadn’t been any. But that didn’t stop the pain.

            Silenced on collusion, Democrats and the mainstream media then screamed OBSTRUCTION. But Mueller didn’t give them enough glue to make that stick either. Now what? Let’s look at his taxes and his business dealings; surely there’s evidence of criminal behavior there. Lots of luck.

            The Trump haters will keep on looking for indictable culpability. Democrat committee chairmen will issue subpoenas and command witnesses to testify against the president; TV anchors will interview an endless stream of bilious commentators on Trump’s moral shortcomings; newspaper reporters and letter writers will continue to accuse the president of incurable mendacity; and Maxine Watters will scream IMPEACH-IMPEACH-IMPEACH until Nancy Pelosi finally gets her to shut up.

            Meanwhile, Democrat presidential contenders are trying to outdo each other in pushing issues farther and farther to the left in calling for a Green New Deal, Medicare for all, free college tuition, open borders, confiscatory taxes, and prisoner voting rights. Nothing is too extreme, not even infanticide. Is there anyone who can save this band of lemmings from stampeding over the socialist cliff?

            Enter old, gaffe-prone Joe Biden, the touchy-feely centrist who will save the soul of America by bringing back the magic of Obama (who won’t endorse him).

            Trump haters have never gotten over the election of, in their eyes, an immoral and incompetent buffoon with bad hair and an abundance of character flaws. He must be defeated in 2020. But is there anyone among the 20 pretenders who can beat him? The haters looking at all the faces on this latest Post Office Most-Wanted poster are not likely to have their acid reflux go away anytime soon.

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