Thursday, August 15, 2019

Red Flag on Red Flag

            “DO SOMETHING!” That’s what we hear people scream after every shooting. They want the government to do something about the guns. And our politicians react by proposing yet more laws to infringe on “the right of the people to keep and bear arms.”

            It doesn’t matter that the strictest gun laws in the country do not prevent the carnage in Chicago and Baltimore every week. It doesn’t matter that background checks already on the books would not have prevented the El Paso and Dayton shooters from acquiring their guns. What matters is the Second Amendment itself. It has to go.

            There is no possible way that politicians can abolish the Second Amendment from our Bill of Rights. So, the next best thing is to chop it up into little pieces. Enter the latest proposal: “red flag” laws. Some 15 states already have them. Now, politicians like Senator Lindsey Graham think it’s time for red-flag laws to go national.

            Except that there are a few problems with such laws, beyond the fact that data accumulated since 2010 reveals that they have had no significant effect on violent crime in the states that have them. The problem may very well be with the administration of such laws. Who decides that an individual is a threat? By what standards? By what evidence?

            The real danger is that red-flag laws can become a slippery slope. Certifiable nuts should not have a gun. What about white supremacists? Or Trump supporters? Or climate deniers?  Or religious zealots? They’re all dangerous people, aren’t they? As presidential contender Corey Booker has said, “Red-flag laws…they’re nowhere near enough to stop these rising levels of mass shootings.”

            The only solution is to get rid of the Second Amendment. If we can’t abolish it outright, then we can do it piece by piece until all the guns have been confiscated from everybody. To hell with the Constitution.

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