Sunday, November 24, 2019

Presidential Abuse

          It is becoming increasingly clear that President Trump will be impeached. Irrespective of its merits, the president’s impeachment will most certainly divide this nation even further. Hard-core adherents on the left and right will not change their votes, but serious-minded independents will be forced to take sides when the 2020 elections come around. No matter who is their nominee, Democrats will not persuade the electorate on a platform of destructive leftist policies or promises of a better economy (Trump has already won this argument). Democrats will have no choice but to put all their chips on a single number at the political roulette table: the fitness of Donald Trump to serve another term. The odds are not great, but they are getting better all the time. If Donald Trump continues launching insults at every real and imagined opponent, a majority of Americans may very well decide they’ve had enough of his abusive behavior.

            A case in point is Trump’s treatment of career diplomats. A president needs ambassadors who will implement his policies abroad and he has the perfect right to replace them when they don’t. When the president got word that Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch did not agree with his attempt to force Ukraine to investigate corruption involving the Bidens, he removed her. That was his right. But when she testified at the impeachment hearings on this point, Trump did not even wait until the end of her testimony to vilify her. His tweet was nasty, mean, and profoundly disrespectful of a woman with a distinguished and selfless career in some of the most remote outposts in the world. Kyrgystan, anyone?

          Self-confidence is an essential quality in a president. But so is a modicum of humility. To be effective, a president must rely on his experience and judgment to make sound decisions; but, a president must also recognize that he is not infallible or omniscient, and that he must rely on the advice of others who may not always agree with him. From what we’ve witnessed in the White House’s revolving door, the president is seriously lacking in this respect. Tillerson, Mattis, Kelly, and Bolton are just four superbly qualified people no longer advising Trump because he lacked the humility to accept their sometimes contrary opinions. Even in the face of near-universal disagreement, as in the case of his abandonment of the Kurds in northern Syria, President Trump cannot accept even the possibility that he could have been wrong.

            With his record of accomplishment, Donald Trump should be a shoo-in next November. But if he persists in his intemperate behavior, he will make many of those independent voters ask themselves if it’s time for a president with a bit less hubris and a bit more humility. Even, heaven help us, a Democrat.

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