Friday, January 17, 2020

Trump - for Better of for Worse

            Some readers of this column have asked me why I have not commented on President Trump’s impeachment. I have my reasons, but I will set them aside for now and present my views, such as they are.

            I voted for Donald Trump in 2016. He was not the best Republican candidate at the time, but far better than the corrupt liar championed by the left. I believe a Hillary Clinton presidency would have been disastrous for this country, and I feel the same way about all the Democrats running for office now, even more so in the case of far-left candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. So, I will vote for Trump again, although I wish the head of the Republican ticket were someone else.

            Donald J. Trump, in my opinion, is ethically, psychologically, and intellectually unfit to be president. His failures and his weaknesses are well known. But his record of success with the economy, with deregulation, and with judicial appointments argues for a second term, especially when we consider what would inevitably result from the election of a socialist.

            His record on trade and foreign policy, on the other hand, has been spotty at best. I shudder when I think of the most powerful man in the world getting his intelligence briefings from Fox News and telegraphing his strategic decisions on Twitter. In fact, I’m convinced that his abusive, impulsive, and shallow tweets reveal the essence of the man. Moreover, his out-size ego makes it impossible for him to accept the counsel of others far wiser and more experienced than he is, which explains why outstanding people like James Mattis, Rex Tillerson, and John Bolton are no longer at his side. Tillerson sealed his fate when he called the president a moron, but he may not have been very far off the mark.

            But should President Trump have been impeached? Absolutely not. The charges against him are bogus, the latest result of an unremitting war that has sought to destroy him since the day he was elected. I was pleased to learn that the president had appointed Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr to his defense team. They have most clearly articulated the reasons why the articles of impeachment drawn up by the House do not meet the standards specified by the Constitution and why these charges should be summarily dismissed.

            That won’t happen, of course. Even though the president will not be convicted, Democrats will continue to do everything they can to drag out more witnesses to prolong their campaign of hatred and to further tarnish the president. In the end, there won’t be any winners, only losers: the presidency, Congress, the Constitution, and all Americans. We deserve better.


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