Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Debates

            On February 25th I tuned into the Democratic presidential debate in South Carolina. I had avoided watching the previous one, but this one promised not to bore me. Well, I managed to watch the entire show. I wasn’t bored, but neither was I impressed by the candidates or the moderators.

            Instead of using their time on their policy positions, the candidates attacked each other, aiming their fire mostly at pack leader Bernie Sanders and impostor Michael Bloomberg. The moderators set time limits on speeches, but they were largely ignored. Senator Warren was the most obnoxious in refusing to abide by the rules. The moderators were also unable to stop the constant interruptions by candidates who wanted the stage. All in all, the candidates acted like undisciplined brats.

            What bothered me most, though, was the lying. Bloomberg lied about disclosing his tax returns, having only allowed reporters to view redacted versions for a few hours. Steyer lied about his returns, too; fact-checking showed he has withheld every page showing where all his money came from.

            Bloomberg also lied about “Stop & Frisk,” a policy he championed while mayor of New York. He claimed to have reduced the incidents by 95%, but that was after increasing them by 600%. Besides, he didn’t stop the practice when he realized it was wrong, but because a judge ruled it unconstitutional.

            Elizabeth Warren repeated the lie about getting fired for being pregnant, but the biggest and most frequent liar was Bernie Sanders. He lied when he accused the United States of incarcerating more people than China, totally ignoring the 1.5 million Uyghurs who have been rounded up, killed, and tortured.

            Sanders misled viewers when he offered a Yale University study as proof of his claims on Medicare for All. He didn’t mention that several other studies have refuted his claim; and he failed to mention that the Yale study had been written by one of his supporters.

            Sanders continued to lie about numbers when he stated that 500,000 homeless people sleep on the streets every night, including 30,000 veterans. He neglected to mention that of the 500,000, some 350,000 sleep in shelters and the number of homeless veterans is actually 15,000.

            If Bernie Sanders becomes the standard-bearer for the Democratic Party, he will be destroyed. Not just for his repeated lies, but for his love of socialist regimes, like the Soviet Union, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. His support is well documented, and the most damning evidence has not even surfaced yet.

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