Thursday, March 5, 2020

Politics of the Coronavirus

            Hatred for Donald Trump has never been more evident than in the politicizing of the coronavirus epidemic by Democratic politicians and their sycophants in the mainstream media. No matter what the president does, he is going to be attacked by them. He was too late in responding to the crisis, he appointed the wrong people to handle it, and he is responsible for the inevitable spread of the virus and its fatal consequences. Well, it’s beginning to look like the Democrats and their mouthpieces have been wrong on all counts.

            Of all the countries in the world, the United States has the most air traffic inbound from other countries, including China. Logic says that the U.S. should have more cases of the virus than other countries that are seeing a high rate of infections. But it hasn’t. Why not? Because President Trump made an early decision to prevent inbound flights from Asia; it’s likely that thousands of infected passengers were prevented from landing on our shores and spreading the disease.

            When the president appointed Vice-President Pence to head the team of experts to prevent an epidemic, he was criticized for picking a leader who was not a scientist. Nonsense. Pence is heading a team of the most knowledgeable scientists on the planet. They were prepared, they were ready to act, and they are doing a superb job of controlling the spread of the virus, while at the same time being realistic about the possibility of an epidemic.

            Moreover, the president has gotten leaders of the pharmaceutical industry to put their collective knowledge to work to come up with anti-viral vaccine to immunize our population faster than would otherwise be possible.

            Meanwhile, Democrats and the media are desperately looking for anything that would help them in the fall elections. In their Trump-hating minds they envision a vast contagion working in their favor; so much the better for them if an epidemic destroys all the gains Trump has made on the economy.

            The most outrageous lie perpetrated by the media is in accusing President Trump of calling the epidemic a hoax. He never did. The real hoax, he said, was the way the media is using the coronavirus for political gain.

            President Trump has done everything right in protecting our country from the coronavirus. So far it looks like he is succeeding. The numbers don’t lie. The numbers of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths caused by the coronavirus thus far are minuscule compared to what we expect in flu season. The Center for Disease Control says we will likely see 32 million people to come down with the flu this year, leading to 310,000 hospitalizations and 18,000 deaths. As of this writing, only 11 people have died in the U.S. from the coronavirus.

            The coronavirus may yet become a pandemic. It is highly contagious and can be deadly, especially for the elderly. But if the American people continue to take the proper precautions against its spread, we may look back a year from now when anti-viral vaccinations are widely available and thank President Trump for his swift and effective action to discharge his primary duty of protecting us. I may not like Donald Trump for a variety of reasons, but on this he has earned my praise and my gratitude.

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