Saturday, April 18, 2020

Theft on a Grand Scale

            By the time the Wuhan virus peters out, we will have lost many thousands of lives and we will be struggling to regain our economic balance after seeing so many businesses dissolve into bankruptcy.
            We may suffer yet another great loss in November. If Democrats have their way, we will lose something else of immeasurable value: fair elections—to theft on a grand scale.
            Consider the familiar Democratic mantra: Republicans steal elections by disenfranchising minorities. For example, Democrats continue to cite the 2018 gubernatorial election in Georgia lost by Democrat Stacey Abrams, the first female African-American candidate for governor. A suit claiming black voting rights had been trampled went nowhere; in fact, African-Americans had voted in greater numbers and a higher percentage of eligible voters than ever. The tired mantra, at least in Georgia, was proven to be false.
            Democrats clearly need a new strategy. Not to worry. Many Democrats believe the Covid-19 pandemic, which discourages human contact, has given them one.
            The plan is very simple: replace voting in person with write-in ballots. The idea is now being actively promoted by no less a trusted luminary as Michelle Obama. She could just as easily have advocated opening the door wide open to voter fraud.
            With the elimination of the requirement to show up at a polling place in person to vote, absentee ballots will be available to everybody, including people who had no intention of voting. Even dead people. All it takes is a small army of unscrupulous political operatives to falsify ballots and mail them in.
            It’s not that difficult. Democrats have already proven they can steal an election. In 2018, ballot harvesting in California’s Orange County wiped out Republican candidates in what was traditionally a conservative Republican stronghold. Nothing stops them from committing this same sort of voter fraud on a national scale.
            The best way to prevent voter fraud is with voter ID at the voting booth. A valid ID is required for any number of activities, from cashing checks, to buying booze, to travelling on a plane. The claim that requiring a legitimate ID to vote suppresses minority votes is a complete lie, as well as an insult to minority voters. On the contrary, it is the single best way to guarantee the integrity of the election process. But with party standards set by the likes of Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, integrity has not been a Democratic strong point of late.
            Using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to push write-in ballots, Democratic governors will follow the lead of Governor Northam who recently signed a bill to repeal voter ID laws in Virginia and to extend early voting to 45 days to give cheats more time to falsify and harvest ballots.
            It’s all about achieving power by any means. If Democrats think they can’t win a fair election, they will find a way to win a crooked one.

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