Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Great War

            If Lincoln were alive today, what would he say about this year's presidential races? "A house divided against itself cannot stand" comes to mind.
            Have we ever seen a more divided nation as ours? We don't seem to be able to agree on anything these days. It's Democrat vs. Republican, House vs. Senate, Washington vs. the states. But those are only the battle fields. The war is being fought over ideas, and it is for keeps.        The battles that will determine the eventual winner are many. Here are my top ten on the domestic front (the other front: national defense and foreign affairs) :

            1. Socialism vs. Capitalism
            2. Fundamental change vs. faith in democracy
            3. Class warfare vs. a classless society
            4. Chronic dependency vs. individual responsibility
            5. Equality of outcomes vs. equal opportunity
            6. Top-down government vs. free enterprise
            7. Radical environmentalism vs. energy self-sufficiency
            8. Judicial activism vs. fidelity to our Constitution
            9. Uncontrolled spending vs. fiscal responsibility
            10. Secularism vs. religious beliefs

            This is indeed the most important election year of our lifetimes. It will determine the future of our nation. When it is decided, this administration will either continue on its radical course toward a European-style socialism or cede the reigns to others who have a fundamentally different view of America.
            I make no bones about which side of this war I'm on. I also realize that this country is evenly divided, and that the other side may prevail. Whatever the outcome, I hope we can heed the words of Lincoln's second inaugural address.
            "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

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