Sunday, January 29, 2012

Green Busts

            President Obama's green dreams continue to turn into nightmares. In 2010 he gave 53.6% of stimulus money for energy to green energy projects. And for what? Wind and solar  produced a whopping 3.6% of the country's energy. Worse, our enlightened leader spent over a billion dollars to subsidize Solyndra, Evergreen Energy, Ener1, and Amonix, and all of them are now either bankrupt or right on the edge.
            Maybe electric cars are a better bet. But Chevrolet dealers all over the country are reportedly refusing to stock Chevy Volts in spite of a taxpayer subsidy of $7,500 for each car, thanks again to Obama. Hmm. Maybe not such a good bet, after all.
            Lastly, let us not forget the Keystone XL pipeline. Nobody but environmentalist wackos were against building a pipeline to bring oil from Canada's oil sands in Alberta. Yet, our president killed the deal, which would have produced 20,000 immediate job and over 100,000 in all. So much for pious speech about the unemployed.
            President Obama is absolutely shameless in bragging that oil production has increased under his administration. It has, but in spite, not because of him. His administration continues to drag its feet on drilling permits in the gulf, off shore, and in Alaska. In fact, the increase is due almost entirely to the Bakken oil shale in North Dakota, a source that the EPA, with Obama's blessing, is trying everything to shut down.
            Our President hates fossil fuels, whether oil, gas, or coal. The United States has more than enough reserves of fossil fuels for us to be energy independent. Yet, Obama prefers to pay more than $100 a barrel to import oil from Venezuela and the Middle East, even if it means that we pay $3-$4 a gallon at the pump.
            I am so looking forward to President Obama's visit to Perquimans County for the ribbon-cutting ceremony of our very own wind farm.

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