Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fundamental Change

            What scares me the most about a second term for President Obama is the very real possibility that our Constitution will be shredded permanently.
            I don't know why Congress has not objected more vociferously to the Obama executive orders that violate established laws. And I don't understand why this is not a major campaign issue.
            Exhibit One: No Child Left Behind. Obama waived provisions of the law that he didn't like, effectively making enforcement of this law arbitrary.
            Exhibit Two: Obamacare. The president waived certain requirements of the law for hundreds of favored businesses and groups, especially labor unions.
            Exhibit Three: Immigration. Having been rebuffed in his attempt to grant amnesty to illegals,  Obama created a new class of illegal immigrants who could stay in this country legally and permanently.
            Exhibit Four: Welfare. President Obama decided that the law's work requirement no longer applied to recipients of welfare. You can sit on the couch for as long as you like.
            One might argue that taken individually none of the executive orders are calamitous. But taken together they point to a fundamental change in the way we govern ourselves. In the words of Thomas Sowell, "When a President can ignore plain language of duly passed laws, and substitute his own executive orders, we no longer have 'a government of laws and not of men' but a President ruling by decree, like the dictator in some banana republic." Indeed, we would no longer be a free people who choose the laws we want to live under.
            Why is the next election so important? Because the next president will probably appoint two Supreme Court justices. A 5-4 liberal majority would no doubt rule that Obama has the constitutional right to circumvent any law through executive order. And that would be the end of the fundamental principle underlying the balance of power in our three co-equal branches of government. Congress would be toothless, and Obama would become the dictator he has always aspired to be.
            In my view, Barack Obama is committing an impeachable offense by systematically and repeatedly violating his oath of office to faithfully execute the laws passed, and not just the ones he agrees with. Yet, Congress remains quiet, oblivious to the pain of having its teeth pulled one by one.
            Candidate Obama did promise us a fundamental change, didn't he? Well, here it is.


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