Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lies and More Lies

            Is it any wonder people keep the media in such low esteem. The announcement of Paul Ryan as Romney's choice was met with an immediate trashing by TV pundits and newspaper editorials. Now, I don't mind others having a position on issues. What I do mind is parroting outrageous lies without questioning their veracity.
            Exhibit One: My daily paper, The Virginian-Pilot wasted no time in publishing a Herblock cartoon portraying Paul Ryan as a person who would end Medicare.
            Exhibit Two: On 8/16 it published a vicious slander from the pen of longtime leftist icon Maureen Dodd of the New York Times. After slicing and dicing Ryan with her acerbic tongue, she concludes in her inimitable fashion, "Ryan should stop being so lovable. People who intend to hurt other people should wipe the smile off their faces." How gifted is Ms. Dowd in being able to divine another person's malevolent intentions!
            Exhibit Three: A short letter to the editor from a Virginia Beach moron who declared his decision to vote for Obama because "Ryan wants to cut all entitlements for the middle class and elderly, including Social Security and Medicare." This is the kind of guy who would have drunk Jim Jones's Kool-Aid, no questions asked.
            Why do people buy into the outrageous lies spewing from Obama's campaign headquarters? On Medicare alone, any person with an ounce of critical thinking would know by now that Ryan's plan would preserve Medicare as is for anyone 55 and over and that Obama's plan would take over $700 billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare. But repeat lies loudly and often enough and some people will swallow them whole.
            Because he cannot run on his record of failure, the only strategy left to Obama is a smear campaign  featuring  lies accusing Romney of being a felon, not paying income taxes, poisoning children, murdering women, and now, according to Vice-President Biden, putting blacks back in chains. These reckless, unsubstantiated accusations are McCarthyism at its worst, and none of them have been repudiated by the president. To update South Dakota Senator Karl Mundt's question at the McCarthy hearings:
            Have you no sense of decency, Mr. President?

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