Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hillary's Honor

            The Administration would love for the Benghazi triple scandal to go away. The White House did a good job of keeping the truth from the public before the elections, but congressional committees won't let the dog lie. Slowly but surely the truth is coming out as evidence of gross misconduct seeps to the surface.
            One by one, the people responsible for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi are falling like dominos. Only hours after the revelations in the Pickering report, four State Department employees tendered their resignations. But that's only Scandal No. 1, which was the failure to provide adequate security protection in Benghazi.
            Scandal No. 2 was the failure of the White House and the Department of Defense to come to the rescue of the Americans who were under fire. These cowards saw in real time what was happening in Benghazi and did nothing.
            Scandal No. 3 came in the form of brazen and calculated lies about how the murders occurred and who committed them. The first player ousted in this phase was Ambassador Rice who knowingly lied on five TV talk shows. Another was General Petraeus who didn't help his cause by committing adultery. There will be more as the investigations continue.
            All through these proceedings two individuals remain untouched, protected by the veil of secrecy and a skilful political cover-up: President Obama and Hillary Clinton.
            Obama may survive because there are lots of people willing to fall of their swords for him. But let's not forget that he was the one principally responsible for blaming the attacks on spontaneous reactions to an anti-Islamic video, something he knew from Day One wasn't true.
To this day he has not acknowledged his supreme role in the cover-up.
            It is now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's turn in the barrel. She was a prime player in all three scandals. At least she took full responsibility for the security fiasco. But what does full responsibility mean if there are no consequences? In any other civilized country the person who accepts such responsibility likely resigns as a matter of honor. That's what Hillary should have done. Perhaps she doesn't understand the meaning of honor.
            Now the congressional committees want her to testify. She doesn't. If she did, she would have to admit her culpability or lie under oath. Although the person William Safire once called a pathological liar is no stranger to prevarication, it would be better to avoid testifying. The committees, however, are not backing off. She will have to testify. The question is when. Not now, because if she testified now she would be doing it as the Secretary of State and might be forced to resign in disgrace. That wouldn't be good for the leading candidate for President in 2016. If she could put it off until a new Congress is sworn in, maybe the newly formed committees would be willing to forgive and forget.
            So let's fake an illness due to a fainting spell and a concussion. That should work.           

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