Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Morsi and Obama

            President Obama must be rubbing his hands in glee watching Republicans fight among themselves over Speaker Boehner's proposal to avoid the fiscal cliff. The sore point is Boehner's offer to raise $800 billion in taxes over the next ten years. It's only half of what Obama wants, but far more than most conservatives are willing to give.
            What sticks in conservatives' craw is that Boehner's offer was in response to the President's plan delivered through Treasury Secretary Geithner. This plan was an absolute insult to Republicans. In fact, it mirrored the budget the President submitted to Congress earlier this year and was voted down unanimously by the Democratically controlled Senate. What gall!
            Now that he has won re-election, President Obama thinks he has a mandate to do whatever the hell he wants. He even demands that he be given the authority to bypass Congress in raising the debt ceiling. He is clearly announcing his intention to spend as much money as he wants, taxpayers be damned.
            Meanwhile, Obama's plans to cut spending are laughable. He refuses to offer any concrete proposals to reduce entitlements, which is a must if we are ever to get our debt crisis under control.
            I'm struck by the parallels between Egypt's President Morsi and President Obama. Both were elected democratically; both see their election as a clear path to absolute power. Morsi announced that he is no longer subject to the Egyptian Judiciary; Obama is bypassing Congress with executive orders that are constitutionally questionable and now wants a free spending hand.
            Morsi was chased out of town by a mob of 100,000 people who voted for democracy, not tyranny; Obama has no idea what Americans are capable of when they find themselves plunged over a fiscal cliff and into Taxmageddon and a deep recession. You think the Tea Party was aroused? Even the dunces who voted for him will wake up when they realize what this president's Socialist policies are doing to the future of their children and grandchildren.

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