Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ban All Guns!

            The debate on gun violence continues unabated as the nation looks to prevent another Newtown massacre. Clearly, no gun control legislation can ever be totally effective in stopping a nut from blasting away at innocent children. Yet, leaders from the President on down must demonstrate that they hear the voice of the people crying, "Do Something!" "Ban all guns!"
            Well, denying law-abiding citizens their 2nd Amendment rights would be no more effective in preventing gun violence than turning schools into fortresses defended by armed teachers in every classroom, as some have suggested. That makes about as much sense as outlawing automobiles to prevent highway deaths, which far exceed gun-related deaths.
            As sad as tragedies like Newtown may be, a better place to target gun violence should  be gang-infested neighborhoods. Why doesn't the President start with his hometown of Chicago? It produced over 500 gun-related homicides in 2012 and is off to a roaring start again this year. Why doesn't the President address the root causes of this senseless violence, starting with a culture that glorifies drugs, denigrates education, and accepts illegitimate births, broken families, and government dependency as the new norm?
            Why doesn't President Obama campaign against the corruption of our youth by an entertainment industry that relies increasingly on violence and degeneracy to generate obscene profits? Oh, no. Some of his biggest supporters come out of Hollywood, after all. Instead, what we see are the stars coming out in support of the president's initiatives, whatever they may be. As the foul-mouth, sycophant racist Chris Rock says, "When your Dad says something, you listen." Now there's an intellectually persuasive argument if I ever heard one.
            Even worse was the vacuous, unintelligible rant we got from a senile Tony Bennett. "It's the kind of turn that happened to the great country of Germany, when Nazis came over and created things, and they had to be told off." Mr. Bennett's interesting interpretation of world history no doubt qualifies him for a teaching position at one of our prestigious universities.
            We all love our children; we would do anything to protect them. But there is no quick fix: knee-jerk gun control legislation is not the answer. We need leadership of a different kind. When the President promotes his proposals by saying that if broad and far-reaching legislation can result in the saving of just one child, then it's worth trying, he shows that he is completely clueless as to what ails this society.
            For starters, he might want to look in the mirror.

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