Sunday, May 12, 2013


            Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, said, "Experience has shown that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time,...perverted it into tyranny." In this he echoes the political philosophy of John Locke (1632-1704), who had a great influence on Jefferson's thinking.
            Locke said that when you see the supreme executor of the government going about to set up his own arbitrary will in the place of law, or when that executor employs force, treasure and offices of the society to corrupt the rest of the government by solicitations, threats, and promises, at that moment such an executor cannot any longer be trusted.
            We have seen this Administration make its own law via mountains of regulations and executive orders bypassing Congress; we have gagged on a health care bill forced down our throats; we have endured the waste of our national treasure on array of green enterprises doomed to failure; we have been buried by an avalanche of empty campaign promises; and we have suffered the embarrassment of empty threats to take action upon the crossing of red lines.
            Worst of all, we have witnessed our government, which has a sworn duty to protect us, place politics above American lives. The despicable behavior of this administration in the Benghazi affair is unforgivable.
            After repeatedly taking credit for killing Osama bin Laden and assuring us that al Qaida was no longer a viable force, our president and his Secretary of State refused to increase security in Libya. When our facilities came under attack, our government rejected desperate pleas for military assistance, because that would have been an admission that its assurances on al Qaida's demise were false. To compound this lie, it concocted a story about a spontaneous demonstration in response to a video, all the while knowing that Benghazi had been attacked by terrorists. This lie was presented to the American people by Susan Rice who may not have known the story was a lie. But others surely did, as the twelve changes to her talking points prove. But there were much bigger liars.
            Hillary Clinton lied to us while looking directly into the camera. President Obama did the same, and repeated the lie to the world at the United Nations. The worst, to me, was Obama and Clinton lying to the families of the dead Americans as their draped caskets were but a few feet away. I cannot express the degree of disgust I feel.
            We have seen with our own eyes the power of government perverted into tyranny.


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