Monday, April 29, 2013

Modern Eugenics

            Eugenics: The study of hereditary improvement by genetic control. This seemingly harmless dictionary definition of eugenics masks the horrendous aspects of  various social movements that advocated selective breeding and sterilization to eliminate inferior elements of society.
            The worst example of eugenics was Nazi Germany's attempt to exterminate the Jewish population of Europe, although the official policy of China to dispose of female babies is not far behind. Not many people realize, however, that eugenics was practiced in this country long before the Nazis and Chinese "perfected" it. For example, the American Breeder's Association founded in 1906 emphasized the menace to society of inferior blood. It was supported by many prominent Americans, including Alexander Graham Bell and none other than Margaret Sanger, the saint of birth control, who advocated sterilization where the subject was not able to use birth control. In pursuit of such social improvement, many states instituted forced sterilization of poor minorities. North Carolina was no exception. Its Eugenics Board was responsible for the sterilization of 7,600 poor blacks between 1929 and 1974.
            Mass forced sterilization is no longer practiced these days, but that doesn't mean that eugenics is dead. It now takes the form of abortion. Because it is now possible to identify birth defects in the womb, in utero  eugenics now eliminates 90% of all Down's Syndrome babies. Why not? How can we possibly object to improving the genetic features of our human population?
            But let's not stop at abortion of babies with genetic defects: let's get rid of the inconvenience of unwanted babies, too. The number of abortions performed in this country since Roe v. Wade  now stands at over 56,000,000.  Some 300,000 abortions a year are performed by Planned Parenthood alone! So much for Roe v. Wade's promise to make abortion safe, legal, and RARE.
            In his speech to Planned Parenthood's national convention, President Obama praised the organization without ever mentioning the carnage occurring every hour of every day in its abortion clinics. The man who voted three times against outlawing late-term abortions couldn't even bring himself to condemn the atrocities committed by Hermit Gosnell and excused by a Planned Parenthood spokeswoman as a matter of a woman's choice. The man who swore to protect this country from enemies at home and abroad will not lift a finger to protect even the most innocent and defenseless among us.
            It has become clear to me that the man whose royal treatment of himself and his family really deserves a crown. So I hereby give Barack Obama a new title and a new name: King Eugene.
            Come on, Your Majesty. Give us a big smile.

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