Thursday, April 18, 2013

Obama Snubs Thatcher

            Margaret Thatcher was one of the greatest world leaders of all time, certainly the best woman to lead her nation in my lifetime. It's no wonder her funeral was attended not only by Queen Elizabeth II, but also by prime ministers, presidents, and dignitaries from all over the world.  Notably absent were the President of the United States, his Vice-President, and his Secretary of State. The president's delegation consisted of Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, and James Baker, all Republicans. Also in attendance were Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, and three members of the House of Representatives, Republicans all.
            As expected, the British press voiced its disapproval of such an obvious snub. But let's recall that  one of Barack Obama's first acts upon gaining the presidency was to insult our most loyal ally by returning a bust of Winston Churchill to Britain. So this latest snub was not surprising.
            What does this say about our president? Fox National Security Analyst K.T. McFarland said it best: "Shame on you, Mr. President. You and your administration look cheap, small and petty...And frankly, Mr. President, this makes you look foolish as well." I would only add that once again Barack Obama showed a shameful lack of class.
            Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama embody opposite sides of the political spectrum. We can pretty much guess what she would have said about Obama's positions on taxes, spending, and national debt. After all, she was a fierce opponent of the British Labor Party's socialist policies and once famously said, "Socialist governments traditionally make a financial mess. They always seem to run out of other people's money." The shoe fits, doesn't it?
            My favorite Thatcher quote is, "We want a society where people are free to make choices, to make mistakes, to be generous and compassionate. This is what we mean by a moral society; not a society where the state is responsible for everything, and no one is responsible for the state." Are you listening, Mr. President?
            Oh, how I wish we had a Margaret Thatcher to save our country the way she saved hers.

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