Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hillary Nailed

            I was one among many who criticized Congress for not following up on the multiple Benghazi scandals. I take it all back. The 46-page report just released by five House panels, the result of seven months of investigation, finally puts the blame for Benghazi where it belongs: on Hillary Clinton. She gets nailed. Nailed!
            She gets nailed for lying in her testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on January 23rd when she denied approving a reduction in security levels prior to the September 11 attack. According to the report, the State Department knew there was a high threat environment in Benghazi, yet it continued to systematically withdraw security personnel. Secretary Clinton's signature acknowledged the request for additional security assets, while ordering the withdrawal to continue as planned.
            She gets nailed for lying about the State Department's involvement in altering the famous "talking points memo"  to cover the department's butt. And she gets nailed for lying publicly when she blamed the attack on a video while knowing that the attack had been an act of terrorism.
            I applaud the efforts of the House panels for pursuing the truth, in spite of administration attempts to bury it. They have exposed and put to shame the lies, distortions, and cover-ups by the president and his minions. Benghazi was a scandal of enormous proportions. Four brave Americans died there because our leaders failed to protect them before and during the terrorist attacks. Then these same leaders lied repeatedly to insulate the president during his re-election campaign.
            Hillary Clinton said that she accepted full responsibility for the State Department's failings. But what was the consequence? Did she resign out of a sense of honor?  Of course not. That wouldn't look so good on her resume when she runs for office in 2016.
            Let's remember that In front of the cameras during her testimony before Congress, she dismissed the attacks that resulted in the deaths of the four Americans in Benghazi with the infamous quip, "It doesn't matter how the attacks in Benghazi came about."
            Maybe it doesn't matter to her. But it matters to me. It should matter to everyone.

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