Sunday, September 8, 2013

No Schadenfreude

            Schadenfreude is a German word defined as pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.  As a lifelong Red Sox fan, I was definitely guilty of schadenfreude last week when the Yankees blew two games against Boston in the late innings.  They had not lost two consecutive games at home while scoring eight or more runs since 1911. 
            This got me to thinking whether or not I was also guilty of schadenfreude watching Barack Obama's embarrassing show of incompetence at home and abroad on the Syrian issue.  I have often attacked the president for his mendacity, his hypocrisy, his divisiveness, his narcissistic arrogance, and his destructive radical ideology.  But it's not until now that I've actually begun to feel sorry for him.            
            The man is virtually all alone.  The international community will not join him in his proposed attack on Syria;  even France's vow of support is of the feeble "You go first" variety.  If Obama goes it alone with a limited strike--announced in advance, if you please-- he will be laughed at for his timidity.  It would be worse than doing nothing. If he follows McCain's advice and tries to take down Assad's regime, he will invite a retaliation that could engulf the entire Middle East, a response for which the president is clearly not prepared.
            It is even worse on our shores.  Congressmen who went home for the Labor Day recess have been overwhelmed by the voiced opposition of their constituents.  Diehard supporters of the president who are up for re-election must be aghast at the prospect of voter revenge.  It remains to be seen how many will defect in the coming days.
            Because of my relentless attacks on the president, one of my Liberal friends has asked me to go easy on him.  OK.  Having lost his friends overseas as well as the vast majority of Americans, if Obama loses Congress, too, I promise not to derive pleasure from his misfortunes.  I will only feel sorry for him and sorry for my country's loss of prestige, a loss that falls squarely on his shoulders, no matter how much he ends up blaming everybody else.
            I'm sorry, my Liberal friend.  That's the best I can do.

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