Sunday, September 29, 2013

Terrorism and Islam

            The most contentious issue these days is Obamacare.  It is difficult to comment on it, however, because the Beltway wars on Obamacare sway back and forth so fast that the battlefield reports get old by the hour.  So let's look at another war where nothing seems to change.
            This war is the war on terrorism, and the constant is Islam.  What do the two sides (or is it three?) in the Syrian conflict have in common?  Islam.  What do the Taliban and the Muslim Brotherhood have in common?  Islam.  What do al Qaeda in Yemen, Ansar al Sharia in Libya, and Al Shabaab in Somalia have in common? Islam.   What do Hamas, Hezbollah, and the mullahs in Iran have in common?  Islam.  And what else do all these groups have in common?  They are all terrorists.  Can anyone possibly fail to see the connection?
            The scariest thing for me is what is happening right here at home.  Why was Major Hassan not treated as a terrorist?  Why were the Boston bombers living among us in plain sight?  Why has Minneapolis become a recruitment center for Somali suicide bombers? 
            Muslims in this country demand our tolerance and respect.  Why should we give it to them when they are intolerant of our values and disrespectful of our way of life?  They take offense at our criticism of their religion.  Yet, it is Islam that treats women like chattel and encourages the murder of infidels.   Why are their leaders silent about the atrocities committed by Muslims in Mali, the Sudan, and the Philippines, not to mention the Middle East?   Where is their outrage when Muslims burn our flag, storm our embassies, destroy Christian churches, and dance in the streets to celebrate our misfortunes? 
            Then we have President Obama.  Why is he so sympathetic to Muslims?  Why is he so willing to negotiate with Iran while it is building a nuclear bomb?  Is he so blind not to see that he is being played like a fiddle by the likes of Assad, Rouhani, and Putin?  In fact, why is he telling us that al Qaeda is on the run and the war on terror is coming to an end, when all the evidence points to the opposite? 
            Why is our president assuring us that Islam is a religion of peace, when it clearly is anything but?  Will it take another Twin Towers for him to see the light?


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